Package metatables


class MetaTable (df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, meta: pyreadstat._readstat_parser.metadata_container)

creates MetaTable object that makes data wrangling of files read with pyreadstat easy


df : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame read with pyreadstat
meta : pyreadstat._readstat_parser.metadata_container
pyreadstat metadata


def return_components(self) ‑> tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pyreadstat._readstat_parser.metadata_container]

Returns the updated DataFrame and metadata that are contained within the object


tuple[pd.DataFrame, pyreadstat._readstat_parser.metadata_container]
returns tuple with objects
def select_columns(self, columns: list)

selects the given columns and removes all others.


columns : list
Columns to select
def show(self, variable: str)

Shows info about the value labels and variable label of the given variable


variable : str
Variable to be shown
def val_lab(self, columns: list[str], labels: Union[dict[int, str], str])

Changes the value labels of the given columns


columns : list[str]
A list of columns that need new value labels
labels : Union[dict[int, str], str]
A dictionary with new labels {1 : "label for code 1", 2: "label for code 2"} or the variable name with the labels to be used "variable_name"
def var_lab(self, columns: list[str], text: str)

Changes the variable labels of the given columns


columns : list[str]
A list of columns that need a new variable label
text : str
Text of the variable label
def write_sav(self, path: str)

Writes a sav file of the MetaTable object which includes a Dataframe and the metadata.


path : str
Path of the new file, includes the file name. To save the file in the package directory use "./filename.sav"